The Trinity Challenge on Antimicrobial Resistance has awarded four innovative solutions with funding Learn about our winners


The Trinity Challenge

The Trinity Challenge is a charity supporting the creation of data-driven and analytics solutions to help protect the world against global health threats.

Our Convenor

Dame Sally Davies

Dame Sally Davies is the 40th Master of Trinity College, Cambridge University and the first woman to hold the post. She was appointed as the UK Government’s Special Envoy on AMR in 2019. 

Dame Sally was the Chief Medical Officer for England and Senior Medical Advisor to the UK Government from 2011-2019. She is a leading figure in global health, having served as a member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Executive Board 2014-2016, and as co-convener of the United Nations Inter-Agency Co-ordination Group (IACG) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), reporting in 2019. In November 2020, Dame Sally was announced as a member of the new UN Global Leaders Group on AMR, serving alongside Heads of State, Ministers, and prominent figures from around the world to advocate for action on AMR.

Fuller details can be found in the UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance page. 

Our Members

The expertise and breadth of organisations contributing to The Trinity Challenge represents a diverse coalition of world-leading organisations across the private, academic, and civil society.

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