The Trinity Challenge on Antimicrobial Resistance has awarded four innovative solutions with funding Learn about our winners


What Is The Trinity Challenge?

The Trinity Challenge is a call to action for the best and brightest minds to contribute ideas and innovations, with a chance to win both funding and mentoring from world-renowned organisations.

Three Foundational Principles:


Our shared vulnerability to health emergencies means resilience is a global necessity – and our solutions need to reflect this scope and potential for scalability.


Actions arising from silo & solo thinking are unlikely to provide the answers we need. The Trinity Challenge understands that cooperation is of paramount importance, to ensure we don’t lose momentum once this pandemic has waned.

The Trinity Challenge is catalysing the collision between public health and data science, enabling Solution Teams to connect and contribute insights that will translate into global public goods.


Data can unlock breakthrough discoveries to inform how we should act in order to improve outcomes. With the right analytical minds and data sources, we can and must develop new ways of protecting ourselves against health emergencies.