The Trinity Challenge on Antimicrobial Resistance has awarded four innovative solutions with funding Learn about our winners

Data Catalogue

A collection of global and international data sources available to The Trinity Challenge participants.

There's A Wealth Of Data Available

The Trinity Challenge’s data catalogue is collation of a broad range of global and local data sources which could serve as meaningful inputs or starting points for The Challenge.

These are intended as examples of available open-source datasets and not as an exhaustive list of all possible datasets, and hence a first attempt to bring together critical datasets for global public health from a data landscape that has historically been fragmented and unstructured.



Environmental & Animal

Environmental & Animal



Mobility & Social

Mobility & Social



Government & Policy

Government & Policy

Health behaviour

Datasets on reported health behaviours and attitudes, including e.g. self-reported symptoms, confidences, norms

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs’ KAP COVID dashboard
Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 vaccine monitor
University of Maryland COVID-19 World Survey Data API
MIT COVID-19 Beliefs, Behaviors & Norms Survey
University of Southern California: Understanding Coronavirus in America
COSMO - COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring of population knowledge, risk perception, protection measures and trust
Institute of Global Health Innovation: COVID-19 behaviour tracker

Microbiology & viral ecology

Datasets provide overview of various genomic data, e.g. viral sequence data, human genetic variation, and other gene mapping data

The Broad Institute DNA/RNA sequencing
NCBI Virus's complete genomes
EBI data resources
ELIXIR cellular data catalogue


Data on tracked COVID-19 symptoms

Israel disease detection survey
COVID-19 healthy vs patient chest X-ray
MIT aggregated COVID-19 related clinical studies
COVID-19 search trends symptoms dataset
Facebook Global Symptom Survey map


Data on COVID-19 cases by various factors, e.g. geography (state and sub-state), ethnicity, age; as well as adjacent data such as test-positivity rates and R0 levels

John Hopkins University COVID-19 cases
CDC COVID-19 case surveillance
Open COVID-19 Data Working Group: Epidemiological data
US COVID-19 cases/deaths by ethnicity
France COVID-19 cases by age
US COVID-19 health outcomes
US COVID-19 live Rt values per state

Hospital capacity

Data on healthcare system capacity, e.g. projections of available hospital beds under different COVID-19 scenarios, or real-time data of available hospital staff

US hospital bed capacity
Germany hospital staff capacity
NPGEO Germany nursing home geographic distribution

Morbidity & mortality

Data on human morbidity and mortality from various diseases, and non-disease causes; as well as analysis of mortality fluctuations over time (e.g. COVID-19 excess mortality)

The Economist's tracker for COVID-19 excess deaths
The Human Mortality Database

Health statistics

Data on how long and how healthy different populations live; as well as on health system metrics and performance

OECD Health statistics
Global Health Data Exchange
Tencent Health COVID-19 live updates
COVID-19 research database in the US

Mental Health

Datasets and studies on emotional wellbeing of different populations

University College London: Understanding the psychological and social impact of the pandemic
COVID-Minds: >70 longitudinal studies related to mental health


Environmental datasets with relevance for infectious diseases modelling, including projective climate data, biodiversity, air and water quality, and data on waste

Environmental data to study infectious diseases
OECD environmental data
NASA Earth Science Datasets
The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity

Animal Reservoirs

Data on local biodiversity as relevant for predicting zoonotic risks, e.g. livestock density and potential for human-animal interaction in agricultural production systems

PREDICT project database
Agri-environmental indicator
EU animal production statistics


Data on employment, unemployment and changes over time

The World Bank database on employment


Data on education access, completion, and disruption, including due to COVID-19

UNESCO school closures due to COVID-19
National impact of COVID-19 on education and learning

Economic activity

Data on economic activity including growth, trade, labour, etc., by locality

EU total wages and salaries
The World Bank global distribution of economic activity
Eurostat COVID-19 datasets